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Late.Shri.L.Dharmakannan Avl



R.K.V. Senior Secondary School was found by our beloved founder, late Sri. L. Dharmakannan in the year 1972 with a dedicated aim of educating the children in and around Kuniamuthur locality.At the very outset, it is my proud privilege to greet you with warm wishes for showers of blessings from the Almighty God. The objective of education is to prepare the young how to educate themselves, exploring all round goals, enhancing creativity and their talent and achieving the heights throughout their lives. Our goal as educators is to provide holistic support to students, apart from academic so that they become competent members of the society and are able to succeed in this complex progressive world.

RKV, as a landmark institution, that has enjoyed tremendous success over Ten decades, believes in imparting values to students. We are proud that we have molded our students into scholars and champions by proving them ample opportunities. Let us keep alive the child’s in born sense of wonder, let us arouse their curiosity to discover the mystery of the world we live in.